Making Time to Evaluate. While happily enjoying one of my first motorcycle rides this year, I spotted a couple sitting on their front porch watching the world go by. I leaned back into my seat, put my boots up on the highway pegs, tuned in some classical rock, took a sip from my coffee, and […]
Aug 5 2014
Warmth and Familiarity; Remedy or Ailment
Warmth and Familiarity; Remedy or Ailment. When I received my last ‘roll up the win’ cup I won a coffee. One of about 6 such wins this year and a pleasant return on my years of faithful (if not addicted) patronage. Their incentives are nice. But I drink their coffee because the taste is warm […]
Aug 5 2014
Examination or Consternation?
Examination or Consternation? This is a true story told me by a new parishioner. Many years ago there was a Sexton who was very possessive of the church bell. He argued that the yoke on which the bell hung was in need of repair and had to be rung in a certain way (that only […]